Friday, August 3, 2007

Blogspot to Website for FREE

I have been contemplating on getting my own website. Blogspot is fine for "A Cowboy's Wife" but for my B Money Savvy, it's not.(Which is need of a HUGE overhaul!)

One of the main issues that has kept me from switching is, of course, the cost. I was lucky enough to come across a featured article about How to Make Your Own Website for Free. Yep, you heard it right...for FREE! Obviously, a free website may have certain limitations that a paid website might not have but it would be a great start. Not to mention, a website has more respect than blogspot.

Jay over at Online Opportunity explains in a 4-part series how to get started and even provides images for us morons;) I think, after reading the article, I'm ready for this change and feel confident that I can set it up myself. I really want my "money" blog to succeed and having a website will be an enormous improvement.

If you have any advice, tips, or just want to put your 2 cents in...then please feel free to leave a comment.

1 Comment:

roundouts said...

I have been thinking about switching over to a web site as well. I would even pay the money. The only thing is I would lose all that SEO for my blog:( AH...well better late than never.
Making Money with Me